Holly’s Heart is a series with three books that follow a young teen trying to figure out life. The books are written by Beverly Lewis, who is primarily known for her fictional writings based on the Amish Community. Since she was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, it only fits that she would be inspired by their community. Holly’s Heart, however, is based on an American teen who is struggling to find her place in the world and her family. This is a very clean read and suitable for all ages. You can check out more about the books from this site or learn more about Beverly Lewis herself, https://www.beverlylewis.com/books/youth-fiction/32-hollys-heart-series.
Christy Miller Series:
The Christy Miller Series is still one of my favorites today! I have read each of the four books about 5 times and love reminiscing about Christy and her life. I can tell you though it is not all sunshine and rainbows for this girl, I remember feeling drawn to her because of her problems. The series author is named Robin Jones Gunn, and after the high school series, she continued to write Christy & Todd College years, Married years, and Baby years! I have only read about half of these books, but I am excited to read more about the couple I have daydreamed about since I was a child. I would suggest these books for the older middle schoolers just because Christy herself is written to be in high school, but it is still a very clean series.